Av. Javier Prado Este 2875 - San Borja
(511) 618 - 3333
Trade Intelligence System with the most complete information on Peru's foreign trade with the world.


  • Access to the most detailed and up-to-date statistical information on the market
  • Search for amounts and volumes of exports by product, economic sector, tariff heading or commercial description. Foreign trade information by destination countries, trade blocs, regions and continents.
  • Great flexibility in information cuts, including automated rankings that allows a powerful analysis and market research.
  • Reports, publications and sectorial journals with the latest news and analysis of Peruvian exports as well as sectoral documents.



  • Responsive design.
  • Improved search results
  • Renewed sections of Business Opportunities.
  • Additional information and market reports



Call us


Leslie Cuba

T: 618-3333 ext: 5412

C: lcuba@adexperu.org.pe


Miriam Yupton

T: 618-3333 ext: 5403

C: myupton@adexperu.org.pe


Bleni Flores

T: 618-3333 ext: 5404

C: bflores@adexperu.org.pe